Celebrate this Valentine’s Day by learning how to make paper roses. These paper roses are easy to make. Kids could make these roses for a fun Valentine’s Day craft or Mother’s Day craft. Little kids might need a little help from an adult or older sibling, but they’ll still love being part of the process. By the way, for a romantic night in check out the BEST Stay at home date ideas.
Use these easy DIY paper roses as:
- A gift topper
- Part of a special Valentine’s Day Dinner Placesetting
- Home Decoration
- Cut some branches from a tree
- Add to a vase
- Glue some of these paper hearts on for a fun and festive DIY Valentine’s Day Decoration
Let’s learn how to make paper roses:
Supplies needed to make paper roses:
- Paper
- Ruler (optional — used to cut paper to a square shape)
- Scissors
- Glue (Craft flue, a glue stick, or hot glue)
- Pencil or Wooden skewers to create curves on the petals
Step One: Folding the paper
You will need 4 pieces of square paper of the same size.
I used 7cm x 7cm craft origami paper, but any size paper cut into a square will work. The bigger the paper, the bigger the rose.

Fold each piece of paper in half three times until you have a triangle.
See folding example below:
Step Two: Cutting the Petal Shape
First, draw the round shape of a petal.
Then, cut it along the line which you have drawn.
Lastly, cut a small amount off the bottom point.
This cut will allow you to form the rose into a cone shape and later stack the roses.
Repeat the process on all four pieces of paper.
Step Three: Cutting the petals to make the layers of rose petals
Unfold your paper and you should have four flowers that resemble the ones below.
Cut a petal out of each flower:
- One petal from the first flower
- Two petals from the second flower
- Three petals from the third flower and then
- Cut the fourth flower in half.

Step Four: ROLLING the Small petals and GLUING the petals into rings
Roll the single petal tightly and roll the double petal slightly larger than the single.
Some ideas for items to use to roll the rose petal:
- A wooden skewer
- A pencil
Now use glue to overlap the remaining petals and glue them into place (a Tacky Glue, for example).
You can use a regular glue stick (I have), but the stronger the glue, the better the rose will stay together.
Now all the parts of the rose are ready to be assembled.
Step Five: Curling the petals
Take a pencil or a wooden skewer and create a curve on the petals.
Step Six: Gluing the paper rose together (LAST STEP!)
Start gluing the flower pieces, one on top of the other.
The ones with more petals should be on the bottom and the ones with fewer petals should be on the top.

Finally, your beautiful paper rose is ready!
Another easy DIY Valentine’s Day Craft for Kids
Check out this cute Valentine’s heart tree: