Got away for another annual planning session! I set my personal and professional goals for the coming year and reviewed last year’s goals. It’s about progress, not perfection as my friend Monica Packer would say. It’s so true!
- I’ve been setting goals in the following categories:
- Service
- Parenting
- Physical
- Learning
- Professional
- Travel
2022 GOALS:
- GOAL: Volunteer for organizations the kids are involved in.
- I’ve been so busy with work, I found myself opting out of a lot of volunteer opporunities. Although the pandemic has removed parents from classrooms, there are still plenty of things I can do. Fall is such a busy time for our family, I’m going to try to volunteer in the spring and summer.
- GOAL: Use play and humor with kids daily.
- This is about parenting based on connection and respect, not control. I have a little reminder on my email that I’ve been using to remind myself to do this. It’s amazing how much more effective it is than yelling.

- GOAL: Sunday Eccentric Strength Training (from this book)
- I’ve recruited Bryan to help with me with this one. During the pandemic, I left the gym and switched to running. I let strength training go and just never brought it back.
- GOAL: Take an improv class
- I read this book that really opened my eyes to the importance of humor. It’s a skill like anything else, so I signed up for this class to jumpstart my humorous efforts.
GOAL: 1. Create Content until I hit 1,000 Email Subscribers
2: Then, develop my first course about investing.
I polled my Instagram followers and they want a mini-course, specifically about investing! 📈
- GOAL: Go to Mexico, the Carribean, and Prince Edwards Island
- This is obviously going to be tricky with covid, so fingers crossed it works out!
Review of 2021 Goals:
- GOAL: Help people improve their finances by creating and support a free #MoneyFitChallenge that will help people improve their financial future. Create content, answer questions, and provide support on budgeting, investing, retirement planning, asset protection (creating a will), etc.
RESULT: I did it! This was definitely a hugely rewarding process. So far, 358 people have joined the Money Fit Challenge. So many people have started investing more and gaining confidence about their long-term financial plans. Some people even left reviews. It feels awesome! The cool thing about this challenge is I was able to create an email funnel so more people can join the challenge at any time and benefit from all the work I put into this labor of love.
- GOAL: Connect with my kids at bedtime “Tuck-in.” Read with them, answer questions.
- RESULT: I did it! This was a life-changer. I always did tuck-ins when the kids were little, but with the pandemic and everything, I’d gotten away from reading with them in bed. This one small thing became such a habit, it’s hard to remember a time when I didn’t do tuck-ins.

- GOAL: Hike or bike outdoors at least once a month
- RESULT: YES-ish! I hardly biked at all, but not only did I go on more hikes, we got into the habit of hiking as a family on Sunday mornings. Our boys are turning into great little hikers! They didn’t even blink an eye on when we went on hikes in Hawaii and Oregon.
- I also just started to say yes to more outdoor adventures. I went rock climbing in Joshua Tree and took surfing lessons in Maui! Both SO MUCH FUN!!
From one of my longest hikes/runs ~10 miles. So much fun! Took every outdoor adventure opportunity. Took surfing lessons! Hiking in Maui Hike in Oregon Fuzzy-wuzzy
- GOAL: Continue to experiment with my photography shooting and editing. Research and select my next lens by the end of the year
- RESULT: Improvments made! I didn’t end up buying a new lens. Instead, I worked on improving my posing and editing. I really see a lot of improvement in my last sessions from the end of busy season.
- My business itself grew, too. I delivered 68 sessions in 2021 and grew my revenue by 55%.
- I also had some incredibely tender and meaningful experiences of providing free photo sessions to families dealing with terminal cancer. It was heart-wrenching and changed my life and work forever. My job feels more meaningful than ever. Sometimes, photos and memories are everything.

- GOAL: Post 100 articles on Money Fit Moms
- RESULT: Nope. This post will be #64. I ended up pivoting from blogging to social media content creation. I created a TikTok account to reach more people have grown that ~9,600 followers. That being said, I still have a few blog posts that are doing well for me, so no regrets. It’s just not where I want to focus my efforts right now.

- GOAL: Who knows! I have a list of things I want to do and even some trips tentatively booked. But I’m holding these trips all close to my vest so I don’t get my hopes up. We’ll see!
- RESULT: Traveling to Greece was one of the best experiences of my life!!!!! Thank you so much to my friend Cassy who did SO much work to plan it. We really lucked out with perfect timing. Greece had just opened up, but not to cruise ships so we had our run of the place. Greece thrives on tourism, so everyone seemed happy to have tourists back.
- Other trips this year as a family: Maui, Tahoe, and Portland (See more about our family travel budget)
Milos Milos Oia, Santorini in a our Airbnb cave house Parthenon in Athens Fira Santorini Catamaran tour off Santorini

Anyone else setting any goals for 2022?
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